Mission Partners

We give away the first 10% of our income, about £20,000 annually, to mission partners and local projects or national Christian charities.

All Saints’ supports five strategic mission partners in Africa, Latin America, the Indian subcontinent, and Central Asia.

We have about two visits every year from our main Mission Partners to update us on their work. They send us regular newsletters with items for prayer. Our Life Groups each pray for a Mission Partner.

African Pastors Fellowship Led by Rev Dave Stedman, APF works in six countries in East Africa training church leaders, providing books in local languages and supporting projects for pastors’ families.

Carolyn Kemp (OMF Diaspora) Carolyn Kemp is International Director for OMF Diaspora taking the gospel to people from the Far East who are working or studying away from home worldwide.

Mark & Anna Burgess (Oikos Ministries) Mark and Anna and their three sons are based in Lima, Peru. Oikos means ‘household’ and they live as an extended family planting churches and training leaders all over Peru.

Mark & Gillian Newham (United for Mission) Mark and Gillian work among the Mongolian people in the capital Ulaanbaatar. They support local Christians and present the gospel to people who have never heard it before.

In addition to this, All Saints’ supports many local humanitarian, evangelistic and charitable projects with regular or occasional donations including A Way Out, Christian Aid, Compassion UK, International Justice Mission, Mary Thompson Fund, Open Doors, Rebuild Mexico, Safe Families for Children, Stockton Town Pastors, Sunderland Eden Project, Tees Valley Youth for Christ and many more.

All Saints mission is supported by our Mission Support Group, current members are David Emerton, Derek Evans, Judith Evans, Sue Levan, Margaret Vaughan and David Warren.