
Whether you’ve never been to church, haven’t been for a while or are looking for a new place to belong, you are welcome here. Sometimes people feel a bit nervous about come to church for the first time, but can we reassure you this is a super friendly church, and you will quickly feel at home.

Whilst we gather in lots of ways across the week, Sundays are a particularly joyful time when we come together as the whole family of All Saints. We sing songs of worship, pray, read the Bible and create space to encounter God as well as enjoying time with one another.

9am service

This is our more traditional service with songs and hymns played on a keyboard and our services follow Common Worship liturgy. We love the rhythm of familiar language, punctuated by space to welcome the presence of God. After the service we gather for tea and coffee.

10.30am service

This is our high energy informal family friendly service. Our music is band-led with a modern vibe and like at the 9am, as part of the service, someone will share an accessible message from the Bible applied to our lives.

If you are coming with children, please note they will have a great time too. We have groups for children of all ages and young people during the service.

If you want to check out a service before coming along, the 10.30 services are live-streamed, and you can also watch previous services on our YouTube channel.

Sunday 12 May

  • Our theme is: What does it mean to be grafted into the family?
    Our reading will be from Romans 11:13-24 & Deuteronomy 7:1-6
  • Our speaker will be: Ben Scott

If you can’t join us in person, you can watch the service by clicking here either live or later on.

We also have the following services on some Sunday afternoons & evenings.

Discovery Church – monthly on Sundays 3.15pm-4pm, next on Sunday 12 May

A great way for families to dig a bit deeper and `Discover` more about the Bible, faith, and following Jesus, in creative and fun ways. It is particularly suitable for children aged 4 -11 and their parents /Carers (under 5`s and teenagers are also very welcome as part of the family unit)

We begin at café tables with refreshments and a fun icebreaker activity. Then we explore our Bible theme through an informal worship time with songs, a Bible story, short interactive talk and creative prayers. This is followed by crafts and fun activities which help us explore and respond to our theme. We also enjoy termly social family fun events together. 

Encounter – Sunday evenings 6pm-7.30pm, next on – Sunday 19 May

For many people they want an opportunity to be still and to escape from the frenetic pace of everyday life. It is often when we slow down in these moments when we are able to hear God for ourselves. That is the heartbeat of Encounter. Expect an extended time of worship and a short activity to help you to hear God more clearly.