Diane Backhouse

Safeguarding Officer

Diane is our Independent Safeguarding Officer, appointed by the PCC, to act on its behalf in taking action where abuse is suspected or disclosed.

She reports to the PCC each month, arranges safeguarding training, and ensures DBS checks are up to date.

Her mobile phone number and email address are displayed on a noticeboard in the Church Centre and are printed on the back page of the weekly information leaflet. You can also email her.

All Saints’ safeguarding policy is that of the Diocese of Durham and is available here.


  • When should you contact Diane?
  • – If you suspect abuse, or are told about abuse, you should report it to Diane who will ensure your concern is taken seriously
  • – Do not delay as this could leave a child, young person or vulnerable adult unprotected against further abuse
  • – Please do not attempt to deal with the problem alone


  • DianeĀ will not:
  • – Deal with the problem alone
  • – Press the child, young person or vulnerable adult for details of the alleged abuse
  • – Ask probing, leading, or suggestive questions
  • – On receipt of third party information, contact the person alleged to have been abused
  • – Contact the alleged abuser


  • DianeĀ will:
  • – Contact the appropriate individuals or organisations who can best help
  • – Share information only on a strictly need-to-know basis